About us

Craffenheim Rottweilers Is Proudly South African

www.working-dog.eu is the largest and most respected platform for information, news, pedigree studies, breeding plans and more for all working breeds of dogs. Rottweiler breeders throughout the world use this platform to research, register their own dogs, and announce breed plans. Each and every ancestor within a dog’s pedigree has its own profile, and if you wish to take a look at just how far back our ADRK lined Rottweiler’s ‘history’ takes them; just keep clicking on any ancestors as you move back in time. You will end up in 1907, with a grainy photo of the first registered dog in the pedigree that is now over 100 hundred years old.

You are also welcome to register your own Craffenheim dog on this data base, and we will happily assist you with this.

We encourage serious breed lovers to join this incredible website and follow the latest videos, photos, information from most specifically – Germany (and the ADRK breeders)