Evi Vom Schwaiger Rathaus
- D.O.B : 24/04/2015
- KUSA No. ZA001251C15
- HD : A2/A2
- ED : 0/1
- JLPP : N/N
- LEMP : N/N
- NAD : Carrier
- SIRE : Devil von der Mehrer Muhle: gek. b. 22.05.2013 (lifelong Koerung): Multi V1 - Blausteinsieger 2009: BH, AD, VPG 3
- DAM : Sofie vom Schwaiger Rathaus: INT./DT.(ADRK)-/DT.VDH-CH, ADRK KLUBSIEGERIN AND BOB 2009: BH, AD, IPO 3, VPG 3, FH 1
About : Evi Vom Schwaiger Rathaus
Evi (Evil wild Kanevil) is our diamond hope from the kennel of living legend Xaver Meixner. The only vom Schwaiger Rathaus female in our kennel (in between half-brothers Chris and Yaris)
Evi has already been V rated twice by ADRK judges, Siegmund Trebschuh and Prof/Dr Friedrich (Chairman of the VDH). Evi’s construction is as close to perfect as what can be expected, and with that comes a perfect topline and underline, something which cannot be bought – it is the ultimate trademark of a vom Schwaiger Rathaus dog.
Evi has inherited MUCH of her dad Devil vd Mehrer Muhle’s temperament and beautiful “crazy” streak. This streak makes Evi a much loved wild child amongst all she meets. A serious dog with a calm head, Evi is able to switch on and off with a clear head we can only praise mom Sofie and dad Devil for. Mom Sofie is also the mother of our beautiful Yaris and Chris and also the mom of 2016 ADRK best of breed and Klub Siegerin, Celine vom Schwaiger Rathaus.
We are extremely excited about this special girls development and what she can contribute to our lines and preserving a total and correct Rottweiler.
Evi’s star shines bright and we will forever be indebted to Xaver for the privilege of owning this gem of a girl.
*Evi will be undergoing all health tests shortly, and will then complete breed surveys before being bred*