Craffenheim Tessa

Craffenheim Tessa

About : Craffenheim Tessa

Tessa (Tessi) is her mother, Franca vom Rangau down to the portly figure and extreme confidence (over-confidence is a better term) Tessi is a very sociable girl, who loves the other dogs as much as she loves people. Her exuberance can be a little overwhelming, but the other dogs are very entertained when Tessi is running riot on the farm. Tessi (like her dad Ismar) is a lunatic when it comes to games, walks, swimming, training and anything that takes place in the fields. When she sees the open spaces she disappears like a flash, and all one can see is the tail and the black and tan butt running in the grass.

We are delighted with how Tessi is maturing, and are thrilled with our ‘little Franca’. If she is anything like her mum, she is going to be a super mother, and a girl that gives the best of herself to her pups.