Craffenheim Luca
- D.O.B : 13/06/2017
- KUSA No. ZA012055B17
- HD : A1/A1
- ED : 0/0
- JLPP : N/N
- LEMP : N/N
- NAD : N/N
- SIRE : Onyx vom Weissen Schwan of Craffenheim (Rambo vom Tweelbaker See and Kim von Weissen Schwan)
- DAM : Craffenheim Mieke (CH Devil Earl Antonius and Edelheim Ashia of Vom Kitheim)
About : Craffenheim Luca
Luca is an absolute ball of fire, who has inherited all of her dad Onyx’s courage and drive. She truly believes she is the strongest, most important and exceptional Rottweiler on the farm. She has mom Mieke Moo’s arrogance, which probably comes from grandpa Devil and her movement mirrors the same sense of superiority grandpa Devil always carried in the show ring.
Luca is not a female who will stand back and she is usually 1st in line for walks, runs or baths (she loves water with the same passion her special dad Onyx did).
Hidden among Luca’s drive and playful temperament is a truly special ‘soft side’; a gentle soul with wisdom in her eyes. She is intuitive and sensitive to the moods of her fellow Rottweilers and her humans. She connects on an emotional level, which is one of her most endearing qualities.
Luca’s mom Mieke Moo is one of the finest females in the Craffenheim stable, and she is also one of the very best mums to her pups. We are certain that Luca is going to exhibit the same maternal instinct and we are extremely excited to be blessed with such a beautiful addition to our breeding program.
Luca scores perfectly on health and genetic testing, which makes her a truly special girl.
From a young puppy full of energy to an adult with even MORE energy, we have been privileged to share her journey thus far.