Craffenheim Josy

Craffenheim Josy

About : Craffenheim Josy

Josy is the splitting image of her legendary father Yaris. She is his daughter down to her smile and exceptional drive. Her movement, conformation, colouring and expression is straight out of dad’s gene pool. Her size, drive, cheekiness and playful nature are all from beautiful mama Lana.

While Yaris is a serious dog, Lana is more inclined to playfulness and little Josy has that special streak in her.

Josy is a phenomenal girl, who we are extremely excited about. She carries some of the finest lines ever bred in Germany, and has decades of ADRK Koerung dogs in her pedigree. This makes her not only a truly magnificent girl on the outside, but on the inside as well.

If Josy passes her traits to her progeny, we expect magic.