Craffenheim Ariana

Craffenheim Ariana

About : Craffenheim Ariana

Our beautiful Ariana is already a little show girl, having been raised and taught so wonderfully by Sue and Richard Carter as a young puppy. Always a lovable puppy, she has grown into the most wonderful natured young lady. Always first for hugs and cuddles and last to leave the arms of humans; she has taken the gentle side of both her parents. She is an angel, who is happiest following humans around and sticking close to all of us on the farm.

Ariana is a very happy-go-lucky girl who loves walks and the wildlife on the farm. She can spend hours sitting watching birds (and unlike other hooligans, she does not chase them) and the cattle. She is fascinated with all living things and is a curious girl.

Our Ariana is growing beautifully and we are thrilled to have her with us.