Health . Temperament . Form . Function

Health . Temperament . Form . Function

Welcome to the online home of
Craffenheim Rottweilers

“Proudly South African” Situated in the North of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, our 202 Hectare farm is home to what is often jokingly called “Little Schwaig” by friends. It is with respect, gratitude and a deep rooted emotional attachment to the ADRK Rottweiler, that we can proudly present Rottweilers from the finest kennels, oldest and most proven ADRK bloodlines in Germany. “Made in Germany. Made OF South Africa”
We also carry the most proven, trusted and successful lines from countries outside of Germany (Earl Antonius lines, centered around Kendy Earl Antonius)
We do not breed “show dogs” as there is no such thing. We breed ROTTWEILERS as close to the ADRK breed standard as possible, focusing on health, temperament and conformation. We do not breed according to current ridiculous fashion trends, but to a standard that was in fact already decided on 109 years ago when the ADRK was formed.
After an extensive period of planning and building up a family of what we believe to be the finest bloodlines of the modern (yet 100 years old) era; it is our hope that the dogs we breed preserve the greatness, correctness, sound health and solid temperament of the legends past.
In order to breed optimally with such precious bloodlines, we needed to ensure a diverse group of Pink Papered imports; each one with something special (yet unique) to contribute to our program. And this within specific, well researched breeding combinations. With such clean lines, genetic diversity is essential for healthy, ethical and optimal breeding results. We are very fortunate to be in a position of ‘genetic’ wealth.
Breeding with these magical and valuable lines is a responsibility not only to oneself and new owners, but to the history of the breed AND the future of the breed.
Enjoy your visit